Call for Art- NOW

Share The Love – Please Wear A Mask
Art Due May 25

Masked Mona Lisa by Lena Smirnova, Denmark

Help our city open safely on May 29 by protecting our citizens, workers, and visitors.  Let’s get the message out that we can help one another and show we care by asking that masks be worn along Laneda Avenue and commercial Manzanita Avenue. Most importantly, inside all commercial and governmental establishments in our town.

What: Create your own art or alter an artistic image to show how wearing a mask on a face is normal, fun, perhaps kooky, but generally a positive move. Make it cool.

How: Email a high-quality digital image of your work to Dan Haag: [email protected]
Dan will select from the images to create posters to be hung in windows up and down Laneda and commercial Manzanita Avenue.

When: Send your image to Dan no later than May 25. This is a fast turn-around in response to the city opening on May 29. This allows time for posters to be printed and hung.