Community Writes

Submit Your Work
Prompt:  New Beginnings
Due:  January 15, 2020

The writer Margaret Atwood once noted that “A word after a word after a word is power.” As a new year beckons after so many months of untold loss, the Hoffman Center for the Arts is launching a new program to strengthen our community through writing.

“Community Writes” invites residents of the North Coast, and those with strong ties here, to submit short pieces of fiction, non-fiction or memoir, focused on rotating topics each quarter.

“Community Writes” kicked off December 1, seeking contributions on the topic “New Beginnings,” with submissions accepted through Jan. 15. There is a $5 fee per submission.

Check for topics and deadlines for the spring, summer and fall quarters, and more information about how to participate.

The program is open to all – whether you are a published writer or not – and contributions will be published on a rolling basis on the Hoffman Center website.

“Writing is like a muscle; the harder you work it, the more powerful it becomes,” said Ellis Conklin, a longtime journalist and co-leader of the program. “Community Writes is aimed at helping us see one another and our world more clearly.”