Art of Horticulture

The Art of Pebble Mosaics
with Jeffrey Bale
A Zoom Presentation
[Zoom invitation will be sent to each participant]

Thursday, June 25 | 4:00-6:00pm
Tuition $15




The Art of Pebble Mosaics with Jeffrey Bale


We coast folk love our pebbles and rocks. We take so much pleasure in the subtlest variations of shape, size and color.  We put the best ones in our pockets and sometimes even remember where we found them. But few of us have the deep relationship with those pebbles felt by Eugene-born landscape artist, Jeffrey Bale.

“There’s something magical about rock,” says a man whose pebble mosaic creations are prized works of art. “I’m fascinated by the ancientness of rock and the durability of natural materials. They have such soul and resonance.”

For decades now, Jeffrey Bale – called “the Master of Mosaic” by the New York Times – has created his own enduring pebble magic in private gardens across the country. He’s also lectured widely about his work around the world. For his Horticultural Arts presentation, he’ll take viewers on a journey into the heart of creating pebble mosaics.

“Frankly, I can’t believe we got him as a speaker!” says program lead, Ketzel Levine. “He’s quite an astonishing artist. I’ve been lucky enough to visit a few gardens where he’s done pebble mosaic installations and was gobsmacked by the combination of his otherworldly imagination and workmanlike approach. As a speaker, Jeffrey has so much to share.”

In his June 25th lecture, Jeffrey Bale will both present his own work and teach participants how to make pebble mosiacs for their gardens. He believes strongly in creating pieces that are not merely decorative but deeply personal and will encourage students to use materials that have meaning.

“What I am really trying to do with pebble mosaics,” says Bale, “is create beautiful memories. For myself, when I remember the places I gathered pebbles, I’m transported back to the beaches and streams I collected them on.”

“A garden can transport us to places we remember and love,” he adds. “Every year I plant a petunia, and when I smell it I am a child again in my grandparent’s garden, something I never want to forget.”


Read more about Jeffrey Bale on his blog
and in the  New York Times