September 25th Attendance Broke All Records

Attendance broke all records at our most recent Wonder Garden Wednesdays program.
Standing room only!

Plaintively pink flowers, weeding with tweezers and plants that thrive on neglect were among the topics covered by plant curator, Ketzel Levine, who fielded probing participant questions such as, “When is a plant a cultivar, a variety, or a cultivated variety?” Heady stuff.

Our small group walk-throughs are for all lovers of beauty, whether non-gardeners or deranged hortheads. The walk-and-talks are tailored to your own level of curiosity and particular interests, with a focus on unusual plants you CAN try at home.
Pre-registration is appreciated 

Speaking of pink flowers…
The Wonder Garden has declared all-out war on a lovely,
long-blooming and heinously invasive geranium.
Check out our next blog post to find out why.