About Jack–Jade Barrett

It kills me with Delight
I lay dumbfounded
Star struck
When he just stares

Eyes so intent
Such single minded focus
An invitation
To partake

In an unmistakable pleasure
The mere sensual
The juiciness
of my snack

To really eat it
To savor
enjoy it
To share it

With my dog Jack

Flavors and textures in the air
Made even more momentous
And hilarious
When I finally give him some

And he Mindlessly gulps it down
Only to beg
For another bite


Three generations of Jade Barrett’s family call Oregon home. Growing up in Eugene, he gathered memories of the Dunes, the Sea Lion Caves, Lincoln City, the Seaside Turnaround, and the Peter Iredale. Now living in the High Desert, he and his family often return to the ocean. Jack’s Photo: https://jadebarrett.substack.com/