Bonnie graduated with a BFA in painting, working as a studio artist while supporting herself fry cooking, waitressing, bartending, house painting and teaching art. She began her arts administration career in 1981 at Pacific Northwest College of Art, her alma mater, where she was director of admissions and academic affairs. Later, she earned an MFA in painting at MSU Bozeman and taught as an adjunct professor. She was a gallery and museum director, and president of Oregon College of Art and Craft. Bonnie retired having served six years as the Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Curator of NW Art at the Portland Art Museum.
Bonnie loves working for the arts and believes art defines the best qualities of any society. As she said once to a father who did not want his son to attend art school: “When you travel do you go to museums? Well, someone has to make the stuff that fills them!”
Fun fact: Bonnie loves doing many things that eventually influence her artist’s life, she: raises and shows collies, writes poetry, fly fishes, gardens, knits, and sings.