Wonder Garden

2023 Hoffman Wonder Garden Plant Sale
Saturday, September 30 | 10:00am-1:00pm
Hoffman Wonder Garden | 594 Laneda Avenue | Manzanita




What a pleasure it is to once again offer you an intoxicating selection of delightful, delicious, de-lovely Wonder Garden tried-and-true plants!

This year’s sale is IN-PERSON ONLY and begins at 10am in the Wonder Garden.

This year’s plant offerings will be dominated by The Plant That Spells Home: Arctostaphylos!  Fine, call it manzanita, but either way we bet you can’t grow just one. Our namesake shrub comes in so many habits and sizes it can work as a groundcover, hedge, stand-alone specimen or a tree.

Thanks to our dear friend and ardent supporter Greg Shephard of Xera Plants, we’ll be offering two named varieties of groundcovering manzis that Xera  discovered in nearby 97131: ‘Martha Ewan’ and ‘Xera Pacific.’ You can check them both out in our manzanita bed along Laneda Ave, along with the incredibly easy to grow variety, ‘Sunset.’

We’re hoping to have at least 100 arctostaphylos for sale, plus a whole lot more.
Click here to take a peek at the variety of plants included in the sale!

Also for sale will be works by the artist who created the WG’s amazing new sculpture, the ’Scrappy Moongate’, Shelly Durica-Laiche of Indio Metal Arts.
See more of Shelly Durica-Laiche’s work here.

And if you’re really lucky you’ll arrive in time to nab one of artist Mar Goman’s most recent Painted Tools. Year-round color and bloom for even the most hapless gardener.

See you at the sale!