Annual Wonder Garden Plant Sale

Wonder Garden Plant Sale
September 28 | 10:00am–12:30pm
Hoffman Wonder Garden | 595 Laneda Avenue | Manzanita




What a pleasure it is to once again offer you an intoxicating selection of delightful, delicious, de-lovely Wonder Garden tried-and-true plants.

This year’s sale begins at 10am at – where else! – the Wonder Garden.

Upholding our mission to put the manzanita back in Manzanita, we are once again offering a mind-boggling selection of our namesake shrub. The genus Arctostaphylos comes in so many habits and sizes it can work as a groundcover, hedge, stand-alone specimen or a tree. But you knew that already, so this time ‘round, what don’t you have and what do ya’ need?

We’ll have nearly 200 manzanitas for sale, plus a whole lot of sun-loving, drought-tolerant Wonder Garden faves. Think: beach daisies, bottlebrush, cistus, globe mallow, sea holly, salvias, lions, tigers and the whole menagerie.


Also for sale will be works by the artist who created the WG’s beloved sculpture, the “Scrappy Moongate”

Click here for more info about Shelly Durica-Laiche of Indio Metal Arts.  Count on Shelly to bring a wide variety of fab garden art.

See you at the sale!

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