Visual Arts Lecture

Islamic Geometric Art
with Thang Ngo
September 20 | 5–6:30pm
Hoffman Center for the Arts | 594 Laneda Avenue | Manzanita, Oregon


Islamic Geometric Art

Decorative works of art created in the Islamic world have been prized for centuries for their beauty, refinement, harmony, intricacy, and complexity. Fine examples of Islamic Geometric patterns, from the sixth to the nineteenth century, can be found around the world. This lecture presents a selection of the geometric patterns studied by artist Thang Ngo in Andalusia, Morocco, and Egypt as part of the Art of Islamic Pattern school based in the United Kingdom. Thang will illustrate how Islamic artists applied their imagination to an underlying geometric framework to create the patterns in these outstanding works of art.

Attendees will also learn the principles of geometric patterns and gain an appreciation for their complexity. They will be able to recognize these patterns, which are prominently displayed inside architectural structures such as the Mosque and Cathedral of Córdoba, Spain, the Alhambra in Granada, Spain, several Madrasas in Fez and Marrakech, Morocco; and other Great Mosques in Cairo, Egypt.

Following a short tea break to enjoy Moroccan tea and Turkish delights, the second half of the presentation will consist of a demonstration of the creation of a simple pattern, working only with a straightedge and compass. Thang will demonstrate how to create many of the geometric shapes and patterns that Islamic artists preferred. Additionally, he will illustrate how the underlying grid structure serves as the foundation upon which these patterns can be infinitely repeated.

Instructor biography:
Thang Ngo is a multimedia artist who lives in Nehalem and Portland, Oregon. He received his Master of Science degree from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and also studied at the Oregon College of Art and Craft (OCAC) in Portland, Oregon. Thang has participated in international site studies in Fez and Marrakech, Morocco, and Cairo, Egypt, with the Art of Islamic Pattern Foundation.

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  •  September 20, 2025
     5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
September 20-Lecture: Islamic Geometric Art with Thang Ngo


594 Laneda Avenue, Manzanita, Oregon, 97130, United States


Situated on the main street in Manzanita just a few blocks west of Highway 101, the Hoffman Center is located across the street from the North Tillamook Library.