May 4, 2019 - May 5, 2019
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Carolyn Gates – Shaping Your Watercolors
Watercolor Workshop
with Carolyn Gates
May 4 and 5 | 10:00am-4:00pm
Tuition $100 | Materials Fee $6.00
Maximum Students 10 | Last date to register April 30
Hoffman Center for the Arts | 594 Laneda Ave | Manzanita
The Hoffman Center for the Arts in Manzanita will offer Shaping Your Watercolors:
Composition, Color & Concepts for Beginners.
Come explore the world of watercolor! This class will present basic concepts dealing with creating compositions, color and color mixing, and painting techniques aimed at the beginning watercolor student. This class will give students everything they need to get started in watercolor.
This is a two-day workshop from 10am to 4pm each day with a break for lunch. On day 1 students will paint from life, and on day 2 they will paint from photographs.
Eugene artist Carolyn Gates has been working in watercolor for the past 15 years. The qualities that characterize her work are strong color and compositions that explore the relationships of shapes to make pleasing visual patterns. This results in an abstraction of the subject. Her work investigates beauty, shape and color. In doing so, she hopes to discover the interplay between the ordinary and extraordinary.
Gates currently teaches watercolor at Maude Kerns Art Center in Eugene, Oregon, and teaches watercolor workshops at the Hoffman Center for the Arts in Manzanita, Oregon.
She enjoys teaching and is inspired by the work her students do. Her focus is teaching basic concepts, while encouraging each student to find their own voice.
Gates says, “After every class and workshop, I want to go back to my studio and paint with the freedom and joy I see in my student’s work.”
Gates studied studio art at Mira Costa College in Oceanside, California, and watercolor painting at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon. She studied watercolor with Carol Carter, Satoko Motouji, and Judy Morris. She is currently a member of the Watercolor Society of Oregon. Click for more information and to view her work.
Any of these materials are easy to find online at Dots ‘N Doodles in Astoria dotsndoodles.com, Jerry’s Artarama www.jerrysartarama.com, or Dick Blick www.dickblick.com
140# Arches Cold Press paper will be provided for all class projects. (Materials fee)
Sketch book
Bring your favorite sketchbook, to use for thumb nail sketches and planning ideas
Bring any watercolor brushes you already have. Synthetic brushes are the least expensive, and you should get the best you can afford. I recommend Winsor Newton Sceptre Gold II for a Sable/Synthetic blend. Pure sable brushes are the best, but are the most expensive.
No 12 round
No 8 round
No 4 round
1″ flat (optional)
1/2″ flat (optional)
Bring any transparent watercolor paints that you have (NOT Gouache or Acrylic). The minimum suggested palette would consist of the following (options in parentheses):
1 Yellow (Aureolin, Cadmium Yellow or New Gamboge)
1-2 Reds (Cadmium Red, Alizarin Crimson, Winsor Red)
1 Blue (French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Prussian Blue)
1 Green (Winsor Green, Pthalo Green, Sap Green)
1 Brown (Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Sepia)
If you want to buy new watercolors, I recommend using “Winsor & Newton Professional Water Colour”, M.Graham, or Daniel Smith. My suggested palette for the beginner is:
French Ultramarine Blue
Burnt Sienna
Aureolin (Yellow) or Azo
Cadmium Red
Permanent Alizarin Crimson
Winsor Green (Yellow Shade) or Sap Green
This palette of colors will allow you to mix some nice oranges, greens, purples, and grays. It has a nice mix of warm and cool tones.
Other Supplies
Palette: to put your paint on, and mix colors. I recommend a plastic folding palette.
HB Pencil
Kneaded eraser
2 plastic water containers (for example: Nancy’s yogurt containers)
Paper towels
Masking tape
Small spray bottle (optional)
For Day Two:
On day two we will be painting from photographs. Please bring 2-3 photographs that you would like to work from. If possible, please bring the photos in black and white as well as color.
The subject matter should be something that you are inspired by, but also somewhat simple, perhaps a photo with one main subject matter, i.e. a flower, a bird, your pet, a still life, a vignette of a few objects.
Visit Explore Manzanita for information about the area, lodging & dining, and more.
Carolyn Gates – Shaping Your Watercolors