Virtual Writing Lounge
Tuesdays, 10:30 am to 1 pm, via Zoom
May 12, 26, June 9, 23, July 7
Peer Led Sessions
On Craft of Writing
$30 fee for 5 Sessions
Please join us in our virtual Writing Lounge for five weeks of peer-led craft sessions. Just like our in-person Writing Lounge, one of your colleagues will lead the session offering a brief lecture on their chosen topic, with examples and prompts. Participants will write from prompts to practice the particular craft element. The session closes with participants sharing what they wrote and the group will offer feedback. It’s a low-stress environment to learn new tools.
May 12 w/ Andy Barker: “Slow Motion and Zoom,” attending closely to a particular moment or object to mine it for special significance. Applicable to both prose and poetry.
May 26 w/ Vera Wildauer: Effectively incorporating backstory into your prose.
June 6 w/ Laura Bailey: Experimenting with choice of tense in either fiction or nonfiction.
June 23 w/ Shirley West: We’ll look at favorite scenes from literature (and write some of our own) to understand how they move the plot, reveal character, and keep the reader’s interest.
July 7 w/ Kathie Hightower: Using foils. A foil is a literary character that is intended to highlight attributes in another character through opposing traits.Think Draco Malfoy v. Harry Potter, Nick Carraway v. Jay Gatsby, Anna v. Elsa in Frozen.
Participants must register in advance for the entire series of peer-led sessions. A link to this virtual Writing Lounge will be shared with you upon registration. Peer instructors will provide any handouts electronically prior to the session–even if you are not able to attend.
Along with having to meet virtually, this lock-down has had a major economic impact on many people in our community. For an additional $30, you can sponsor another participant. Type Writing Lounge in the “In support of” field to add to our fund for writing program scholarships.
We encourage you to apply for a scholarship if you’ve been economically affected by the lock-down and would like to attend. We give priority to people that live locally or have strong connections to the North Oregon Coast.
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
Slow Motion and Zoom
May 12, 2020
10:30 am - 1:00 pm
Incorporating Backstory
May 26, 2020
10:30 am - 1:00 pm
Playing with Time using Tense
June 9, 2020
10:30 am - 1:00 pm
Creating Effective Scenes
June 23, 2020
10:30 am - 1:00 pm
Using Foils for characters, plot lines, etc
July 7, 2020
10:30 am - 1:00 pm
Join us via Zoom for sessions and prompts on the craft of writing.