ICYMI: September’s Poetry Post Selection

In case you didn’t get a chance to stop by the poetry post in the Hoffman Wonder Garden in September here is Vera Wildauer’s poem.  Click here to see the selections for October and the upcoming months.

Useless Windfall

The neighbor’s unripe apples
have fallen
they gather in the
valleys and gullies
of velvety green
like billiard balls
on a Dali-painted

Deer wander
through the wasted fruit
nudge the firmest
with black noses
but it’s too hard to grasp
them in their jaws
the slick pale green
globes are too big by
a centimeter
finally they give up
and walk across the street
to nibble herbs and roses.

Vera Wildauer co-founded the Manzanita WritersSeries and still champions programs for writers in the area. Find her work in the North Coast Squid and Word & Image.