Gardeners – at least those who don’t grow dahlias – are typically at their wits’ end by mid-August. So many plants are past peak bloom and their leafy remains do not go gently; without adequate water, they look like hell.
Well we can’t have that at the WG, showcase that it is. And so our volunteers water, each one caring for her or his own bed, beds they’ve been tending since spring.
If, as Emerson writes, ‘Earth laughs in flowers,’ this is a shout out to the astonishing WG volunteers who continue to keep us laughing:
Guy & Mary Gehling (pictured), Haim Kenig, Mel Luna, Char von Ahlefeld, Jan Layne, Isabella Beaton, Colleen Schwindt, Susan Reinhardt, and the BMOC, Mark Kuestner. Yay team!
Feeling left out of all the fun? Drop us a line, we’ll need you in fall!