Season’s Greetings–Tom Lackaff

Oh spring, I pray you will endure

Another ode to your allure;

Still shadows harbor ice and snow,

But loyalists to winter show

Their colors when the heat is on,

Confessing to the pressing dawn;

Thus life emerges from its slumber;

Leaves and feathers without number

Sing in union to proclaim

Reminders of the season’s name;

Cue fanfare in the key of green,

A symphony not heard but seen,

With every turn upon the trail

An air in the chromatic scale.

Addicts fail to recapture

Virgin highs, sweet lies of rapture;

Nature, though, fulfills her every

Promise of a waking reverie;

Wedded to the spring, I swoon,

A honeybee on honeymoon;

Alas, true love, as few do learn,

Is tantamount to true concern;

As creeping deserts outward move,

Their sands of time do drily prove

Green optimism premature;

Oh spring, I pray you will endure.


Tom was lucky enough to be born in Oregon. Some of his earliest memories are of frolicking on Cannon Beach, Short Sands and a litany of local littoral locations.