September in the Wonder Garden


September in the Wonder Garden

Shop The Website:  Sept 1st through Sept 9th

Shop at the Garden:  Sat, Sept 10th, 10am-1pm

We’re heading into a really wonderful month in the WG with all sorts of stunning, late summer vignettes. But you’ll need to look past some of the vacancies (ok, glaring holes) left by a few plants that chose to depart.

We do our best to keep all our chlorophyllic friends happy, but as summers grow hotter and the demands on City water increase, we’re less inclined to indulge these plants’ thirsts and wonder if you, too, are ditching your heavy drinkers.

Instead, let’s celebrated the verdant, upright foliage now gussied up for fall and sip from the hummingbird-funneled flowers that still have many, many weeks left of bloom.

As for colors, heart be still. Consider the old-fashioned cottage blue of Playtycodon grandiflorus, the balloon flower; the purple starbursts of Trachelium caeruleum, the flossflower; and the impossibly peachy mango bites of Sphaeralcea incana, the globe mallow, which ripened in the mid- August sun.

And while we’re promoting the joys of the Wonder Garden—cause, yeah, that’s where this is headed—did you know we’re about to embark on our BIG FUNDRAISER of the year?

Sept 1st is the kick-off for our Third Annual Wonder Garden Plant Sale, a nearly week-long Online Shopping Extravaganza. Last year, because plants went so fast, we decided we also needed a day of In-Person shopping. Mark your calendars for
Sept. 10th in the room where it happens: the Wonder Garden!

Click here to find everything you need to know about shopping during our Plant Sale.

We’re pretty proud of the fact that we only sell plants that grow beautifully in the WG. That way we know they adore our community as much as we do.

This FUNDRAISER (am I shouting?) is when we find out how much our community adores us. On behalf of the 14 volunteers (yes! 14!) that shower love on the WG, thank you for your generosity.

And please, come up and see us sometime. We’re open all hours, all days, and if no humans are around to answer your questions, the plants will do their best to inspire and delight you.

For the Hoffman Wonder Garden,

Ketzel Levine
Doyenne of Dirt