Toxic Flowers (Now That He’s Gone)–Katja Biesanz

The table is now adorned by lilies.
There are daffodils in the kitchen.
We can leave the door open to breezes.
The earpieces of my new glasses
will not be be nibbled,
nor any antennae or plugs.
Butter left out on the counter
will not be licked.
Random typing will not appear
on my open document.
Holes will not be kneaded
on my husband’s shirts.

When eating salmon, I will
not have to guard my plate.
At night I can drink water
leisurely, without my pillow
being claimed by another.

On a cold night,
a tender paw will not
touch my cheek,
to ask me to tent
the covers, and
let him in to
curl beside my body
and purr.


Katja Biesanz is a writer, healer, workshop leader and psychotherapist who lives on the North Oregon Coast.