Clay Workshop

Throwing on the Wheel:  Finding Your Way with Clay
with Beverly Cordova
Tuition $150 for class which includes 3 days of instruction and practice
3-session Sunday classes:
February 2 – 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. | February 9 – 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. | February 16 – 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Materials Fee $15 for clay and basic set of tools
Hoffman Center for the Arts | Clay Studio


Workshop will demonstrate and teach skills for throwing clay on the wheel.
Aimed at beginners, the class can also benefit those
needing to refresh their skills.


Students will gain understanding of the qualities of clay, stages of the drying cycle, and the use of throwing tools and equipment.  In addition, through demonstration and hands-on practice, students will gain working knowledge of the potter’s wheel including how to center, throw, shape and trim and attach. Along with instruction students will have ample time to practice and receive real-time coaching.

After three, 3-hour sessions, students will be ready to work independently on the wheel in a clay studio and produce work ready for bisque firing and glazing.

Instructor, Beverly Cordova has a degree in Fine Art from PSU and became a production potter who sold her work at Portland’s Saturday Market. She taught art for 30 years and worked as an adjunct faculty member at PCC.

Today she is back working in the clay studio where she enjoys teaching the skills needed to make beautiful work on the potter’s wheel.

Students should bring:
any clay tools they already have
small note pad and pencil
apron or work shirt