Manzanita Writers' Series Presents
Poetry Readings & Conversation
Frederick Livingston
Sunday, October 20, 2024
4 p.m.
Admission $7, pre-registration encouraged
Walk-ins welcomed
Why do we create? Can poetry evolve culture and heal a wounded Earth? Join ecologist, educator, and award-winning poet
Frederick Livingston for an afternoon among questions and community. We will begin with readings from local poets, followed by Frederick reading from his newest book “Trees are Bridges to the Sky” and facilitating a conversation exploring how the metaphors we embody shape the futures available to us. Embracing Earth grief alongside wild imagination, we reach beyond numbness and despair, towards the fruitful Earth we hunger for. Whether you are a poet, human, or tree, you are sure to leave with seeds of evolution.
Frederick Livingston is an ecologist currently working in the prison-to-school pipeline, growing native plants with incarcerated people for restoration projects across the American West. Born at the southern tip of the Salish Sea in Olympia, Washington, his work in experiential education and peacebuilding has taken him across the world, from Peace Corps in rural Tanzania to the United Nation’s University for Peace in Costa Rica, and beyond.
Since his 6th grade debut on local-access television performing “Ode to a Chair”, Frederick’s work has appeared in scientific journals, dozens of literary magazines, and public spaces. He has been the featured poet of California Quarterly and nominated for several Pushcart and Best of the Net awards. He is the author of the poetry collection “The Moon and Other Fruits” as well as his most recent title, “Trees are Bridges to the Sky”, which won the Prism Prize for Climate Literature.
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October 20, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
October 20-Poet Frederick Livingston reads from his latest book, Trees are Bridges to the Sky
594 Laneda Avenue, Manzanita, Oregon, 97130, United States
Situated on the main street in Manzanita just a few blocks west of Highway 101, the Hoffman Center is located across the street from the North Tillamook Library.