2020 Poetry Contest Winner Announced
The Manzanita Writers’ Series announces the winner of the 2020 Poetry Contest Part-time Manzanita resident, Connie Soper, won the poetry contest held by the Manzanita Writers’ Series and the Hoffman

We Care About Your Health
As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to affect the global community, the Hoffman Center for the Arts is looking for ways to navigate the rapidly evolving situation. While we may

We Love Our Business Supporters – Recology
Thank you Recology Recology Western Oregon Another of our valued business partners, Recology was a major sponsor of our annual Garden Party, and we appreciate them so much.

We Love Our Business Supporters – Columbia Bank
Thank you Columbia Bank Columbia Bank, Manzanita Branch Columbia Bank has been an annual corporate donor to the Center and a co-sponsor for our Annual Garden Party fund-raiser. They have

We Love Our Business Supporters – Little Apple
Thank you Manzanita Grocery and Deli “The Little Apple” Chung and Judy are long-time supporters of local community service non-profit organizations. Major sponsors for the Center’s fund-raising Garden Party from

We Love Our Business Supporters – Cloud and Leaf
Thank you Cloud and Leaf! Cloud and Leaf Book Store has been a partner of the Manzanita Writers’ Series since the very beginning in 2008. They sell the featured author’s

Submission Opportunities for Writers!
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Along with the Hoffman’s Poetry Contest in January, there are a couple more North Coast opportunities for writers to submit their work. Follow the links for specific requirements and ways

We Love Our Business Supporters – Finnesterre
Thank you Teri Desaro, Fred Kassab, and Matt Gray of Finnesterre! In 2018, the three Finnesterre partners Terri Desaro, Fred Kassab, and Matt Gray decided to become major sponsors of

We Love Our Business Supporters – Polaris
Thank you J Scott Wilson of Polaris! In 2019, Scott Wilson of Polaris Gallery became one of the major event sponsors of the Hoffman Center Annual Fundraiser for the second

We Love Our Business Supporters
Thank you Living Room Realty! In late 2018, Living Room Realty in Manzanita named the Hoffman Center for the Arts its Loving Room Fund recipient. The designation was a three-year