Gratitude Unchained–Jim Stewart
Nonfiction: Ah, gratitude: a simple way to honor the place in which you find yourself; an emotion that encompasses the breadth of a life and lights the sometimes stony path
Gratefully Grieving–Kelly Jacobsen
Poetry: Hiking along rugged, tree-lined trails Deep sobs emerge from hidden woods. A scent of gratitude fills the frosty air. There is peace in surrendering to sadness. Fighting against the
Song of Gratitude–Margaret Chula
Poetry: Love the Kamo River, its waters turned blue from rinsing the indigo dyes of kimonos. Love the hummingbirds. Love the koi who swim like kings even though, without their
Encore–Georgianna Marie
Memoir: We hadn’t performed together in over 35 years. Yet here we were, about to go onstage in front of nearly 100 people. The 1979 Encina High School Madrigal Choir
Falcon Cove–Georgianna Marie
Memoir: We had planned to go to Europe that summer. Then a pandemic happened. Unable to fly overseas, my husband and I strategized: How would we escape the stifling Arizona
The Stranger–Georgianna Marie
Essay: One summer vacation, a stranger appeared at my family’s front door. It was 1960, the year before I was born, so I wasn’t there to see the puzzled look
Recipe for Camping–Karen LaGrave Small
Recipe for Camping: Fiction Have fun camping! Living off grid, no cell service, no heat, no fluffy bed, no teddybear. What to take? Not much. Leave your house. Bring your
Dream Vacation–Stevie Stephens Burden
Prose Poem: Tourists, jammed into their cars, RVs and our streets, wander, looking for the perfect experiences to capture the construction of unforgettable moments. Spending hard earned time and money
The Nutty Vacation–Ellis Conklin
Fiction: On the night before we set off for the Russian River, my sister had a nervous breakdown. She was young then, a thin, nice-looking girl of seventeen, and had
Dog Days–Andy Barker
Fiction: Day One We canines live in the present; if something impacts us, it remains in every moment of our lives. Such is my first day at the beach. The